A few weeks ago we partnered with Vertical Life, (click to download app) a climbing gym app that allows you to log your climbs, give grade proposals, quality ratings, leave comments, and more.
Many of you are already using it, but for those of you who might be a little confused, what follows is a crash-course on the basics of the app.

When you first open the app on your device, you’re greeted by the search bar.
Just type Mountain Extreme Dubai and you will find the gym; tap the heart to add us to your homepage.

Main Page
On the gym’s main page, just to the right is a button titled “WALLS.” This is the term used in the app to refer to our areas/zones/sectors.

On the gym’s main page, just to the right is a button titled “WALLS.” This is the term used in the app to refer to our areas/zones/sectors.
Tap this button and it will lead you to a new page where you can choose to view either Sport Climbing or Bouldering topos.

Once you’ve found the topo or area of the gym you’d like to view, you’ll be able to browse through all the climbs in that area sorted by color, grade, and rough location on the wall.
Choose a climb, and you’ll be able to see a graphic of where it’s located within the gym, the type of climb it is (overhang, slab, vertical, etc), and other climbers’ grades + notes.

At the bottom of each climb’s page as well as in the right column of the list of climbs is a button titled “TICK.”
ZLAG” is slang for a send, or topping a climb. If you successfully “Tick” a route or boulder you have "ZLAG" it.
Before you tap the “TICK” button on a climb, you can comment on the quality and grade.
This is one of the more interactive and valuable features of the app: it’s where you get to tell us what you think.
Just to be clear, you don’t have to utilize this feature. However, by completely filling out the climb info you’ll be providing us with feedback that will help us improve the climbing experience at Mountain Extreme.
The page will ask you to designate your Ascent Style by selecting one of three buttons:
Did you tick it on your first attempt (flash)?
Did it take you 2 or more attempts (redpoint)?
Or are you still actively attempting/projecting the climb and how many attempts deep are you (go)?
Then you’ll be able to give it a Quality Rating from 1 to 5 stars and suggest a Difficulty Rating, which does not have to match the rating proposed by the routesetters. We’ll then use a compilation of all the climbers votes to adjust the labels on the walls accordingly.
We want you to have fun with the app the same way you have fun at our gyms; feel free to gibe your friends, and be honest about your thoughts on our climbs, but just make sure to keep it PG.