Climbing Academy
Our Climbing Academy is dedicated to teaching children from 7 years old to 18 years old, how to climb in a safe manner whilst having fun.
Each child learns the skills and grows their experience under the watchful eye of an AMGA Certified Climbing Wall Instructor. Each climb is recorded in their own personal logbook so they can easily track their progress and know which areas they need to focus on to progress to more challenging routes and improved performance.
Our Climbing Curriculum
Little Climbers Program
Open to children from 4-year-old up to 6 years old, the Little Climbers Program (KCP) aims to introduce young children to indoor climbing through games and fun activities.
Young Climbers Program
The Young Climbers Program (YCP) is the core curriculum of the Mountain Extreme Climbing Academy. From 7 to 18 years-old, YCP guides students on a pathway from complete beginner to competent, self-reliant climbers. This program focuses on technical skill, technique coaching and knowledge of the sport. Our Advanced level corresponds to a high marks in GCSE climbing according to the EdExcel exam standard.
Policies and Procedures
Mountain Extreme Children Safeguarding Policy Statement
Mountain Extreme Anti Bullying Policy
Mountain Extreme Safer Recruitment Policy